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Achieving Operational Performance Excellence


● Poor methods and tools to support daily decision-making and project management 

● Equipment availability level below industry average, while planned hours of maintenance was considered ideal 

● Large use of third-party mining fleet in order to assure constant operation 

● Reports generation was time consuming and usually late to support dynamic decision-making


● Redesigned Operations and Plant management processes 

● Implemented routine project management based on solid methodology and customised tools 

● Delivered mine and plant maintenance master planning 

● Structured new organisation and team allocation 

● Designed and implemented key performance indicators 

● Trained all staff involved to operate in the new improved scenario


● Average hours of equipments’ planned maintenance remained constant while average equipment availability increased by 4.6% 

● Bottom-line savings related to greater production output of USD 40 Mln per year 

● Bottom-line savings related to the decrease in third-party mining fleet use of USD 1 Mln per year 

● Staff fully operational and independent after 3-month engagement

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